Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management Minutes
On October 28, 2015, Council passed By-law No. 106/2015 amending the City Organization By-law No. 7100/97 and other by-laws to implement jurisdictional changes for the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage, and Downtown Development and the Standing Policy Committee on Water and Waste, Riverbank Management and the Environment, and in doing so, the Standing Policy Committee on Downtown Development, Heritage and Riverbank Management was therefore disbanded.
2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004
December 2, 2004 | Regular Meeting | Adopted |
November 4, 2004 | Regular Meeting | Adopted |
October 14, 2004 | Regular Meeting | Adopted |
September 29, 2004 | Special Meeting | Adopted |
September 9, 2004 | Regular Meeting | Adopted |
July 8, 2004 | Regular Meeting | Adopted |
June 3, 2004 | Regular Meeting | Adopted |
June 2, 2004 | Special Meeting | Adopted |
May 6, 2004 | Regular Meeting | Adopted |
April 13, 2004 | Regular Meeting | Adopted |